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Serialise `Interface` from package reference

I'm using the protobuf-net nuget package and have a package-specific question

I have a project with a core package and a main package which includes various other small packages. I have simplified this below. I was wondering, how can I serialize it from the Core package? Ideally, without the reference in the Api package as others may make their own extensions and I can't add [ProtoInclude(...)] in the API package for everyone.

Would it be something to do with the Not Like Attributes section? If so, is there somewhere you can point me for implementation?


public interface IBase
    string typeRef { get; }

    Connector Connector { get; set; } // Custom connector

    object Build(); // Bunch of params


public class Main 
    public ICollection<IBase> Items { get; set; }

public class Group : IBase
    public string typeRef => "G";
    public Connector Connector { get; set; }

    public string? AnExpression { get; set; }

    public ICollection<IBase> Items { get; set; }

public class Base<T> : IBase
    public string typeRef => "S";
    public Connector Connector { get; set; }

    public string? Operation{ get; set; }

    public IEnumerables<T?> Values { get; set; }


  • So after some rummaging for code and some testing, I finally got a working solution.

    To limit the startup code that needed to be added to people's projects, I found a solution that only added the references once serialization was actually requested see comment 1.

    The method fills the stream argument. However, I also added a byte[] method that creates a MemoryStream, passes that in and passes the .ToArray() out.

    I ran into some complications with the fact that Base<T> has a generic type. This meant that I had to track the types that had already been added (as adding them again would throw an error). Doing this meant that if a new base was added it would still get serialised

    public void SerializeTo(System.IO.Stream stream)
        // 1) I HAVE DONE THIS IN A METHOD (with a type tracker list)
        if (TypeTracker.ProtoTypes == null)
            RuntimeTypeModel.Default.Add(typeof(Connector), true);
            // There was actually another interface,
            // so I had to add these references
            // => Group implements IGroup which implements IBase
            RuntimeTypeModel.Default.Add(typeof(IGroup), false)
                .AddSubType(45, typeof(Group));
            RuntimeTypeModel.Default.Add(typeof(IBase), false)
                .AddSubType(45, typeof(IGroup));
            // DECLARE THE LIST
            TypeTracker.ProtoTypes = new List<Type>();
        var pTypes = TypeTracker.ProtoTypes;
        // This is a IGroup
            RuntimeTypeModel.Default.Add(typeof(IBase), false), 
            ref pTypes
        Serializer.Serialize(stream, _group as FilterGroup);
    // Group implements it as
    public void PrepForSerialisation(MetaType ifilterBase, ref ICollection<Type> fTypes)
        foreach (var item in Items)
            if (item is ISerializer ss)
                ss.PrepForSerialisation(ifilterBase, ref fTypes);
    // Base<T> implements it as
    public void PrepForSerialisation(MetaType ifilterBase, ref ICollection<Type> fTypes)
        var thisType = this.GetType();
        // Make sure I've not already been defined
        if (!fTypes.Contains(thisType))
            // Use the fType count, so there are never any clashes
            ifilterBase.AddSubType(50 + fTypes.Count(), thisType);
            // Add this type to the list
    In case you want to see the `TypeTracker` class
    internal sealed class TypeTracker
        TypeTracker () { }
        static ICollection<Type>? _protoTypes;
        public static ICollection<Type>? ProtoTypes
            get => _protoTypes;
                _protoTypes = value;