I'm attempting to create backups for all of our deployed reports on the reporting server, being I don't have many permissions this is proving difficulty.
The first thing I tried was created a subscription with XML FILE and Report Data and had it exported to a folder, when I try to open the file once it's saved it's only a portion of what the xml was in ssrs.
The second attempt was getting the xml directly from the sql server which is how the layout needs to be using the below query
Name as ReportName
from Catalog
Where Name ='report_name'
The only problem is I haven't been able to find a way to autosave the xml portions into a separate file we can use for backup as we are wanting to backup our reports every month.
Is there a way to save all of our reports on the server this way?
(Still fairly new to Overflow so please let me know if more information is needed)
Thank You
Courtest of bretstateham.com (I've just tested and it works):
WITH ItemContentBinaries AS
,CASE Type
WHEN 2 THEN 'Report'
WHEN 5 THEN 'Data Source'
WHEN 7 THEN 'Report Part'
WHEN 8 THEN 'Shared Dataset'
ELSE 'Other'
END AS TypeDescription
,CONVERT(varbinary(max),Content) AS Content
FROM ReportServer.dbo.Catalog
WHERE Type IN (2,5,7,8)
--The second CTE strips off the BOM if it exists..
ItemContentNoBOM AS(
WHEN LEFT(Content,3) = 0xEFBBBF
THEN CONVERT(varbinary(max),SUBSTRING(Content,4,LEN(Content)))
END AS Content
FROM ItemContentBinaries
--The old outer query is now a CTE to get the content in its xml form only...
,ItemContentXML AS
,CONVERT(xml,Content) AS ContentXML
FROM ItemContentNoBOM
--now use the XML data type to extract the queries, and their command types and text....
,ISNULL(Query.value('(./*:CommandType/text())[1]','nvarchar(1024)'),'Query') AS CommandType
,Query.value('(./*:CommandText/text())[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS CommandText
FROM ItemContentXML
--Get all the Query elements (The "*:" ignores any xml namespaces)
CROSS APPLY ItemContentXML.ContentXML.nodes('//*:Query') Queries(Query)