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Multiple left joins with different values from same column

I need help with SQL code that takes different values from the same column with each iteration and puts them in the same row without multiplying rows.


In table DECLARATIONS there is data about imports that contains columns declaration_id(PK), date, weight, price, etc. In table DOCUMENTATION there is data about specific documents for each import that contains columns declaration_id(FK), doc_type, doc_number, etc.

In one import declaration there are multiple documents. For example, in table DOCUMENTATION, for one declaration_id there are up to 8 documents with doc_type = 'U44' with different doc_numbers.

I need to display data for one declaration in one row with one specific doc_type (declaration_id, date, doc_number1, doc_number2, doc_number3, doc_number4, doc_number5, doc_number6, doc_number7, doc_number8).

I tried multiple left joins on table DOCUMENTATION:

select A.decalaration_id, date, B.doc_number, B1.doc_number, B2.doc_number,
    B3.doc_number, B4.doc_number, B5.doc_number, B6.doc_number, B7.doc_number


left join DOCUMENTATION as B
on A.declaration_id = B.declaration_id 
and B.doc_type = 'U44'

left join DOCUMENTATION as B1
on A.declaration_id = B1.declaration_id 
and B1.doc_type = 'U44'
and B1.doc_number != B.doc_number

left join DOCUMENTATION as B2
on A.declaration_id = B2.declaration_id 
and B2.doc_type = 'U44'
and B1.doc_number != B.doc_number
and B2.doc_number not in (B.doc_number, B1.doc_number)

left join DOCUMENTATION as B3 on
A.declaration_id = B3.declaration_id 
and B3.doc_type = 'U44'
and B1.doc_number != B.doc_number
and B2.doc_number not in (B.doc_number, B1.doc_number)
and B3.doc_number not in (B.doc_number, B1.doc_number, B2.doc_number)

This does the job for the first row, but then it multiplies rows by taking B1.doc_number as B.doc_number and so on.


  • I suggest you read the variable number of document numbers into comma-separated strings. This gets you a very simple query that can deal with about any number of documents per declaration (until the string gets too large for SQL Server to handle):

      STRING_AGG (doc.doc_number, ', ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY doc.doc_number) AS docs
    FROM declaration AS d
    LEFT JOIN documentation AS doc ON doc.declaration_id = dec.declaration_id 
                                  AND doc.doc_type = 'U44'
    GROUP BY dec.declaration_id,
    ORDER BY dec.declaration_id;

    If you must have separate columns, then you need to decide for a maximum number of documents to show, which might prove a wrong decision at some point in time. For this you'd number the documents per declaration, so you can easily get the documents 1 to n with conditional aggregation using MIN or MAX.

      numbered AS
          ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY dec.declaration_id) AS rn
        FROM declaration AS d
        LEFT JOIN documentation AS doc ON doc.declaration_id = dec.declaration_id
                                      AND doc.doc_type = 'U44'
      MIN(CASE WHEN rn = 1 THEN doc_number END) AS doc_number_1,
      MIN(CASE WHEN rn = 2 THEN doc_number END) AS doc_number_2,
      MIN(CASE WHEN rn = 8 THEN doc_number END) AS doc_number_8
    FROM numbered
    GROUP BY declaration_id, date
    ORDER BY declaration_id;