Suppose i have the following file.csv
DATE Name Email
26-Sep-19 Name1 [email protected]
26-Sep-19 Name2 [email protected]
26-Sep-19 Name3 [email protected]
I am trying to insert values from file.csv into a table
import cx_Oracle
import csv
import os
from datetime import datetime
con = cx_Oracle.connect(uname, pwd, hostname + ': ' + port + '/' + service)
cursor = con.cursor()
with open('file.csv', 'r') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
for lines in csv_reader:
cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO table1 ( DATE,Name,Email) values (:1, :2, :3)",
I get this error:
(lines[0],lines[1],lines[2]) cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected
After some debugging, i was able to nail it down to the issue being with the date, so instead of lines[0], i replaced with hard-coded date, and it worked!
cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO table1 ( DATE,Name,Email) values (:1, :2, :3)",
why is it not working with lines[0]
variable but with a hardcoded value its working just fine?
Now you've solved the date format issue, consider using executemany()
for performance. Something like:
With file.csv containing:
26-Sep-19,Name1,[email protected]
26-Sep-19,Name2,[email protected]
26-Sep-19,Name3,[email protected]
and the table created like:
create table table1 ("DATE" date, name varchar2(20), email varchar2(20));
Then this file using the date conversion that @anthony mentioned works:
# Set cursor sizes to match the table definition or known max data sizes
# create table table1 ("DATE" date, name varchar2(20), email varchar2(20));
cursor.setinputsizes(None, 20, 20)
# Adjust the batch size to meet your memory and performance requirements
batchSize = 1000
with open('file.csv', 'r') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
i = 0
data = []
for line in csv_reader:
i = i + 1
if (i % batchSize == 0):
cursor.executemany("""insert into table1 ("DATE",name, email) values (to_date(:1, 'DD-Mon-YY'), :2, :3)""", data)
data = []
i = 0
if (i % batchSize != 0):
cursor.executemany("""insert into table1 ("DATE",name, email) values (to_date(:1, 'DD-Mon-YY'), :2, :3)""", data)
To load some rows to a DB on the far side of the world took 4 seconds with a similar script (mostly connection time costs) vs 36 seconds with execute()