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Handling large dense matrices in python

Basically, what is the best way to go about storing and using dense matrices in python?

I have a project that generates similarity metrics between every item in an array.

Each item is a custom class, and stores a pointer to the other class and a number representing it's "closeness" to that class.

Right now, it works brilliantly up to about ~8000 items, after which it fails with a out-of-memory error.
Basically, if you assume that each comparison uses ~30 (seems accurate based on testing) bytes to store the similarity, that means the total required memory is:
numItems^2 * itemSize = Memory
So the memory usage is exponential based on the number of items.
In my case, the memory size is ~30 bytes per link, so:
8000 * 8000 * 30 = 1,920,000,000 bytes, or 1.9 GB
which is right at the memory limit for a single thread.

It seems to me that there has to be a more effective way of doing this. I've looked at memmapping, but it's already computationally intensive just to generate the similarity values, and bottlenecking it all through a harddrive seems a little ridiculous.

I've looked at numpy and scipy. Unfortunatly, they don't support very large arrays either.

>>> np.zeros((20000,20000), dtype=np.uint16)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

Further Edit
Numpy seems to be popular. However, numpy won't really do what I want, at least without another abstraction layer.

I don't want to store numbers, I want to store reference to classes. Numpy supports objects, but that doesn't really address the array size issues. I brought up numpy just as an example of what isn't working.

Any advice?

Edit Well, I wound up just rewriting all the logic so it no longer stores any redundant values, reducing the memory useage from O*n^2 to O*((n*(n-1))/2).

Basically, this whole affair is a version of the handshake problem, so I've switched from storing all links to only a single version of each link.

It's not a complete solution, but I generally don't have any datasets large enough to overflow it, so I think it will work out. PyTables is really interesting, but I don't know any SQL, and there doesn't appear to be any nice traditional slicing or index based way to access the table data. I may revisit the issue in the future.


  • PyTables can handle tables of arbitrary size (Millions of columns!), through using memmap and some clever compression.

    Ostensibly, it provides SQL like performance, to python. It will, however, require significant code modifications.

    I'm not going to accept this answer until I've done a more thorough vetting, to ensure it can actually do what I want. Or someone provides a better solution.