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Test for internal server errors in rest api

I want to write unit test cases for negative scenarios for my REST API spring boot application.

The controller methods looks like this:

@RequestMapping(path = "/getcalc/srn/{srn}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public RestResponse<List<BookMarkMRPostProcessCalc>> fetchLatestPostProcessCalc(@PathVariable("srn") String srn) {
        try {
            List<BookMarkMRPostProcessCalc> calcList = bookMarkMrPostProcessCalcService.getPostProcessCalc(srn);
            return ResponseUtil.prepareRestResponse(calcList);
        } catch (BookMarkServiceException e) {
            return ResponseUtil.prepareErrorRestResponse(e.getMessage(), "", e.toString());

The positive scenario works fine. I want to write test cases for the scenario when BookMarkServiceException occurs or mock it. How can we achieve this in junit?


  • One way of doing it is as below:

    public class YourClassNameTest { 
    pricvate YourClassName yourClassName;
    public ExpectedException exceptionRule = ExpectedException.none();
    public void fetchLatestPostProcessCalcTest(){
        yourClassName.fetchLatestPostProcessCalc("input that would generate error");