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Passing a value from outer for to an inner for using jsRender

if I do the following:

{{for Items}}
   {{for messages}}
       <div class="myclass">
          {{include tmpl="#myTemplate" /}}

then at the top of my item I correctly see the value of Id

if I now remove {{>Id}} since I've proved this is what I want

I now want to add it to my div such that it becomes:

<div class="myclass" productid="{{:Id}}">

however the Id value doesn't get set against my productid attribute I've since tried {{:Items.Id}}, {{:parent.Id}} plus a few others to no avail.


  • There are several ways you can get to "parent data". See For example you can do

    {{for messages ~parentId=Id}}
       <div class="myclass" productid="{{:~parentId}}">
          {{include tmpl="#myTemplate" /}}

    or you can step up through the 'array' view of {{for messages}} and get to the parent 'item' view of {{for Items}}, using {{}}. (See