Search code examples

how do I get the query string parameters in lightning component salesforce

I am trying to get the url query string parameters from current page and I have the following code:

doInit: function (component, event, helper) {
    var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
    console.log("params::: ", urlParams);
    if (urlParams.has("openSidebar") && urlParams.get("openSidebar") == true) {
      console.log("redirection happening....");

      component.set("v.showFeed", true);
      component.set("v.isSidebarOpen", true);

for some reason seems that I cannot use this line var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; and I dont know why.

Are there any alternative or salesforce way hwo to get the query string parameters from url?

I am basically getting nothing, the execution seems to stop at the line where I am using URLSearchParams!

Also curious to know why does lightning does not let plain javascript to execute in this case?


  • Using new URLSearchParams will return an instance of a class, not an object (or map).

    You can use this code to convert the key/pair values into an object. Then you can check the value on the object instead:

    const searchParams = new URLSearchParams('?openSidebar=true&foo=bar&test=hello%26world')
    const params = [...searchParams.entries()].reduce((a, [k, v]) => (a[k] = v, a), {})
    if (params.openSidebar === 'true') {
      console.log("redirection happening....");
      // do stuff here      

    Note, we use === 'true' since the url parameter will always be a type of string.

    Since you said it wasn't working, you could build your own parser:

    const qs = '?openSidebar=true&foo=bar&test=hello%26world'
      .slice(1) // remove '?'
    const d = decodeURIComponent // used to make it shorter, replace d with decodeURIComponent if you want
    const params = qs
      .split('&') // split string into key/pair
      .map(s => s.split('=')) // split key/pair to key and pair
      .reduce((a, [k, v]) => ((a[d(k)] = d(v)), a), {}) // set each object prop name to k, and value to v

    Note, we use decodeURIComponent() (or shorthand d()) last, because the parameters may contain ampersands or equals signs. Should we call d() first, we would split on these characters, which we don't want to happen.