I'm trying to create a CloudFormation template supporting Lambda Function and AWS CodeBuild project for building .netcore source code into a deployed zip file in S3 bucket. Here are the particulars:
This is all working just fine. What I'm struggling with is how to update Lambda function to use updated compiled source code in S3 bucket.
Here is subset of CloudFormation template:
Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
FunctionName: roicalculator-eventpublisher
Handler: RoiCalculator.Serverless.EventPublisher::RoiCalculator.Serverless.EventPublisher.Function::FunctionHandler
S3Bucket: deployment-artifacts
S3Key: RoiCalculatorEventPublisher.zip
Runtime: dotnetcore2.1
Type: AWS::CodeBuild::Project
Name: RoiCalculator-EventPublisher-Master
Location: deployment-artifacts
Name: RoiCalculatorEventPublisher.zip
Type: S3
Location: https://github.com/XXXXXXX
BuildSpec: RoiCalculator.Serverless.EventPublisher/buildspec.yml
Here is subset of buildspec.yaml:
dotnet: 2.2
dotnet tool install -g Amazon.Lambda.Tools
- dotnet restore
- cd RoiCalculator.Serverless.EventPublisher
- dotnet lambda package --configuration release --framework netcoreapp2.1 -o .\bin\release\netcoreapp2.1\RoiCalculatorEventPublisher.zip
- aws s3 cp .\bin\release\netcoreapp2.1\RoiCalculatorEventPublisher.zip s3://deployment-artifacts/RoiCalculatorEventPublisher.zip
You can see the same artifact name (RoiCalculatorEventPublisher.zip) and S3 bucket (deployment-artifacts) are being used in buildspec (for generating and copying) and CloudFormation template (for Lambda function's source).
Since I'm overwriting application code in S3 bucket using same file name Lambda is using, how come Lambda is not being updated with latest code?
How do version numbers work? Is it possible to have a 'system variable' containing the name of the artifact (file name + version number) and access same 'system variable' in buildspec AND CloudFormation template?
What's the secret sauce for utilizing CloudFormation template to generate source code (via buildspec) using CodeBuild as well as update Lambda function which consumes the generated code?
Thank you.
Unfortunately, unless you change the "S3Key" on 'AWS::Lambda::Function' resource on every update, CloudFormation will not see it as a change (it will not look inside the zipped code for changes).
Option 1) Update S3 Key with every upload
Option 2) Recommended advice is to use AWS SAM to author Lambda template, then use "cloudformation package" command to package the template, which takes cares of creating a unique key for S3 and uploading the file to the bucket. Details here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/serverless-application-model/latest/developerguide/serverless-deploying.html
Edit 1:
In response to your comment, let me add some details of SAM approach:
To use CloudFormation as a Deployment tool for your Lambda function in your Pipeline. The basic idea to deploy a Lambda function will be as follows:
1) Create a a SAM template of your Lambda function
2) A basic SAM template looks like:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: 'AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31'
Type: 'AWS::Serverless::Function'
Handler: index.handler
Runtime: nodejs6.10
CodeUri: ./code
3) Add a directory "code" and keep the lambda code files in this directory
4) Install SAM Cli [1]
5) Run the command to package and upload:
$ sam package --template-file template.yaml --output-template packaged.yaml --s3-bucket {your_S3_bucket}
6) Deploy the package:
$ aws cloudformation deploy --template-file packaged.yaml --stack-name stk1 --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
You can keep the Template Code (Step1-2) in CodeCommit/Github and do the Steps4-5 in a CodeBuild Step. For Step6, I recommend to do it via a CloudFormation action in CodePipeline that is fed the "packaged.yaml" file as input artifact.
See also [2].
[1] Installing the AWS SAM CLI on Linux - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/serverless-application-model/latest/developerguide/serverless-sam-cli-install-linux.html
[2] Building a Continuous Delivery Pipeline for a Lambda Application with AWS CodePipeline - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/en_us/lambda/latest/dg/build-pipeline.html