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Libraries not loaded in executable jar

I have the following maven configuration





my manifest content is:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
Created-By: Apache Maven
Built-By: username
Build-Jdk: 11
Specification-Title: project title
Specification-Version: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
Implementation-Title: Project title
Implementation-Version: 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
Implementation-Vendor-Id: groupid
Class-Path: ./lib/*.jar

My jar is bundled as follows:

-my.code.package (from src/main/java)
- MANIFEST.MF  (where the above configuration is)
+ lib
- dep1.jar (all the dependencies as jar files)
-my.resources.file (from src/main/resources)

When i run the file using java -jar i get NoClassDefFound errosr cause the libraries are not loaded.

I imagine that the thing wrong is my classpath inside the manifest file. What should it be ?


  • So, Turns out you kinda can't.

    My solution was as follows:

    update the assembly.xml and pom.xml as follows:



    pom :


    This basically unpacks all dependencies normally, but leaves the specific one you need to remain unpacked as a jar file within the jar file. This reduces complexity to only the jars you need unpacked.

    now, the issue with that still remains that Class-Path can only take dir/* syntax to load all jars externally, and it cannot be used to load a jarfile (even with specific names) So to leave the jar bundled inside and have it automatically loaded i basically need to modify my code to have a custom classloader that reads that file.