I have a working spreadsheet I've whipped up for a small niche of the rhythm game community to use in tracking performance and song data across the current mix of songs for a given patch of the game. When the developer releases a new patch, the song list on each tab is updated in a well-ordered fashion such that the new songs (i.e. rows of each tab) are interspersed within the new set of data.
MY QUESTION: How would I go about merging data from an older version of the tracklist into a sheet containing new data positions (i.e. rows) that weren't previously in the old sheet, since Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V won't work?Here is what the old data set would be which then needs to have itself merged into this sheet.
For those curious, here's a link to the full progress tracker: PIU XX Tracker
there is a lot of unknown how exactly is data served so let's assume the Update comes with new dates for new values and you want to import old dates for old values, then you will need to do simple arrayformula:
"Sheet1!A:B"), 2, 0), B2:B))