Search code examples

: 'The ViewData item that has the key 'PatientAppointmentID' is of type 'System.Int32' but must be of type 'IEnumerable<SelectListItem>'.'

I have a from in which there is a dropdownlist

 @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.PatientAppointmentID, ViewBag.AppointmentDate as List<SelectListItem>," - Select Appointment Date -",new { @class = "form-control" })

The controller method for it is:

public ActionResult Create(int? Patient_id)
    CreateBillViewModel model = new CreateBillViewModel();
    if (Patient_id != null)
        List<SelectListItem> AppointmentDates = (from p in db.tblPatientAppointments
                                                 where p.patient_id == Patient_id
                                                 select new SelectListItem
                                                     Text = p.AppointmentDate,
                                                     Value = p.ID.ToString()
        ViewBag.AppointmentDate = AppointmentDates;
    return View(model);

It is populating the values in drop down correctly but when I fill the form and select value in drop down list it is giving the following error:

System.InvalidOperationException: 'The ViewData item that has the key 'PatientAppointmentID' is of type 'System.Int32' but must be of type 'IEnumerable'.'

Further on submitting the form the values are stored in a session like given below,I also want the drop down and patient id in the url to retain for further values that I want to add in the session

public ActionResult Create(string nameValueInsert, string nameValueSubmit, CreateBillViewModel model)
    var button = nameValueInsert ?? nameValueSubmit;
    if (button == "Insert")
        if (Session["templist"] == null)

            List<PatientViewModel> lst = new List<PatientViewModel>();

            lst.Add(new PatientViewModel()
                PatientAppointmentID = Int32.Parse(Request.Form["PatientAppointmentID"]),
                                        Amount = double.Parse(Request.Form["Amount"]),
                Description = Request.Form["Description"]
            Session["templist"] = lst;
            List<PatientViewModel> lst = (List<PatientViewModel>)Session["templist"];

            lst.Add(new PatientViewModel()
                PatientAppointmentID = Int32.Parse(Request.Form["PatientAppointmentID"]),
                                        Amount = double.Parse(Request.Form["Amount"]),
                Description = Request.Form["Description"]
            Session["templist"] = lst;
        if (ModelState.IsValid)
            string username = "";
            HttpCookie cookie = HttpContext.Request.Cookies["AdminCookies"];
            if (cookie != null)
                username = Convert.ToString(cookie.Values["UserName"]);
            tblPatientBill patientbill = new tblPatientBill();
            patientbill.PatientAppointmentID = model.PatientAppointmentID;
            patientbill.Amount = model.AmountTotal;
            patientbill.Description = model.Note;
            patientbill.Discount = model.Discount;
            patientbill.CreatedAt = model.CreatedAt;
            patientbill.CreatedBy = username;
            patientbill.is_active = true;

            int PatientBill_ID = Convert.ToInt32(patientbill.ID);
            List<PatientViewModel> lst = (List<PatientViewModel>)Session["templist"];
            if (lst != null)
                tblPatientBillDetail billdetail = new tblPatientBillDetail();
                foreach (var item in lst)
                    billdetail.PatientBillID = PatientBill_ID;
                    billdetail.Amount = item.Amount;
                    billdetail.CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    billdetail.CreatedBy = username;
                    billdetail.Description = item.Description;
                    billdetail.is_active = true;
            return RedirectToAction("Print", new { Billid = @PatientBill_ID });
    return View(model);


  • The solution to this problem is as given below if somebody else gets into the same situation: In ViewModel create properties for dropdown list to retrieve values from database and send the selected value to db.


    public class CreateBillViewModel
    -------- --------
    public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> PatientAppointmentDate { get; set; }
    public int PatientAppointmentID { get; set; }
    -------- --------

    In the Controller:

      public ActionResult Create(int? Patient_id)
      CreateBillViewModel model = new CreateBillViewModel();
      if (Patient_id != null)
      model.PatientAppointmentDate = (from p in db.tblPatientAppointments
      where p.patient_id == Patient_id
      select new SelectListItem
      Text = p.AppointmentDate,
      Value = p.ID.ToString()
      return View(model);

    Retrieve it in the view like this:


    @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.PatientAppointmentID, Model.PatientAppointmentDate ?? new List<SelectListItem>(), "- Select Appointment Date - ", new { @class = "form-control" })

    Upon submitting the form if you want the same page to open and want the same values in dropdown then in HTTPPOST send it back like this.

    public ActionResult Create(CreateBillViewModel model, int? Patient_id)
    if (ModelState.IsValid)
    //Save into db
    model.PatientAppointmentDate = (from p in db.tblPatientAppointments
    where p.patient_id == Patient_id
    select new SelectListItem
    Text = p.AppointmentDate,
    Value = p.ID.ToString()
    return View(model);

    Thats how my issue was resolved.For further details this link can be referenced: ThisLink