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FFmpeg converted mp4 file fails to load in Quicktime

I've been using FFmpeg to convert a movie I need to play in MP4, however in Quicktime the following error is presented;

FFmpeg file produces this Quicktime error

(Error -2041: an invalid sample description was found in the movie (output.mp4)).

I used the following FFmpeg command parameters to convert the file;

C:\Temp\EOBTemp>ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -y -acodec libmp3lame -ab 96k -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_slow -crf 22 -threads 0 output.mp4

Now this file plays absolutely fine, in Windows Media Player, and VideoLAN (FFmpeg based, so no surprise here. I using the latest build from HawkEye's FFmpeg Windows Builds (FFmpeg git-a304071 32-bit Static (Latest)).

I really hope this isn't a AAC problem, as I've been trying to get FFmpeg to use the libfaac.dll library (in the same folder as the FFmpeg.exe) with the command;

-acodec libfaac

Help! I'm at a loss!


  • Did you try using "-acodec aac" instead?