In Kodein, I have the below binding
bind<AppDependent>() with multiton {
title: String -> AppDependent(title, instance(), instance())
I could get it created using
private val appDependent: AppDependent by instance(arg = "My Text")
However, if I have more than one parameter for my binding, e.g.
bind<AppDependent>() with multiton {
title: String, something: String -> AppDependent(title + something, instance(), instance())
How could I instantiate it? I see we only have one arg
in the instance()
in the next version the multi argument factories will be deprecated as there are confusing for lot of people.
We recommend to use data classes
instead, like:
data class DiceParamerters(val startNumber: Int, val sides: Int)
val kodein = Kodein {
bind<Dice>() with factory { params: DiceParameters -> RandomDice(params) }