I want to pass a parameter into a trigger function, which invokes AFTER DELETE of entity record in my database. Is there any way to do it on application-level? Is there a solution using "SET" operation? Or maybe I can add a parameter to the same transaction, which is used on delete operation?
You have a couple of choices here.
1. You can set the application_name environment variable to the user name, and then retrieve it in the trigger.
2. You can expand the table by a column, and send the user name to the database in the insert/update/delete statements.
SET application_name = 'user name';
-- in the trigger:
SELECT application_name FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pid = pg_backend_pid();
ALTER TABLE t ADD COLUMN user_name text;
-- and in the trigger (depending on context):
my_user := NEW.user_name;
my_user := OLD.user_name;