I am working with vue js, and I have dargable component items, I generated dragable component using for loop to display component, so how can i detected in which component I am there, when click on component.
This is my index.vue file :
import item from './component/itemComponent.vue';
<li v-for="(index, i) in list" :key="i">
<item :indexItem="index"></item
And this is itemComponent.vue file :
class="btn btn-primary">{{ intemIndex.name }} </a>
export default {
return {
isOpen: false
methods : {
this.isOpen = true;
// its not working just for one
// component, it working for all component and I need
// to implment to one component specific
// current component
Edited following comments.
A bit complicated but does the trick. https://jsfiddle.net/guillaumedeslandes/t12k43ov/
Added events to trigger a forced-close state, and had to store the item state in the parent component to allow draggable
to manipulate it while keeping the order.