I have an existing Database which I can access with postico, and I want to migrate the structure to a new database which I can only access with psql.
Postico gives the SQL to re-create the table
-- DDL generated by Postico 1.5.8 -- Not all database features are supported. Do not use for backup. -- Table Definition ---------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE "Datas" ( id integer DEFAULT nextval('"Data_id_seq"'::regclass) PRIMARY KEY, DataLabel character varying(255) NOT NULL, DataValue character varying(255), "createdAt" timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, "updatedAt" timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ); -- Indices ------------------------------------------------------- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "Data_pkey" ON "Datas"(id int4_ops); CREATE INDEX datas_id ON "Datas"(id int4_ops);
But if I try to run the create table in the psql client I get the error
relation "Datas_id_seq" does not exist
How can I migrate the table structure across? Do I need to manually create the relation? if so how?
You need to create the sequence "Data_id_seq"
create sequence "Data_id_seq";
but the column was probably defined as serial
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
DataLabel character varying(255) NOT NULL,
DataValue character varying(255),
"createdAt" timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
"updatedAt" timestamp with time zone NOT NULL