I'm having a some trouble getting the state of dynamically created checkboxes. I used the code below to add several checkboxes, with dynamic Id's, to the body.
var html = ...;
for(var i = 0; i < options.checkTextArray.length; i++)
html +=
<label class="checkbox" [attr.for]="'myCheckboxId' + i">
<input class="checkbox__input" type="checkbox" [name]="'myCheckboxName' + i" [id]="'myCheckboxId' + i">
<div class="checkbox__box"></div>${options.checkTextArray[i]}:
In another part of the code, I would like to get and/or set the state of the checkboxes but havent succeeded so far. I tried using the code below to achieve my goals, but "document.getElementById(...)" keeps returning "null".
var ckbStateBuffer = new Array();
var txtContenBuffer = new Array();
for(var i = 0; i < options.checkTextArray.length; i++) {
ckbStateBuffer.push(document.getElementById("'myCheckboxId' + i").checked);
As you can see, I'd like to save the checkbox states in an array and use it, to reset the new states to the old ones (for example when a button is pushed).
So how should I be adding the states to this buffer array? What am I doing wrong in the code above? Tried several other things but none of those worked.
Okay so I found a solution. Apparently you can't use getElementById(checkboxId)
to get the checkbox states. You have to create an array using getElementsByTagName("input")
and afterwards itterate through this array while checking for inputs of the checkbox type.
var inputsArray = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
var ckbStateBuffer = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if(inputsArray[i].type == "checkbox")
JSFiddle here: https://jsfiddle.net/Maximo40000/agL9opq6/
A big thanks to Jarred Parr!