I'm new to ELM, and I'm extending a basic app that displays a presentation from a markdown document.
I'm changing the main.elm document of this glitch app to show a total of the available pages.
If I set the total when I get the response (in this block)
RcvSlides resp ->
case resp of
Ok slides ->
( { model
| slides = Just <| Array.fromList <| String.split "^^^^" slides
, Cmd.none
Err _ ->
( { model | slides = Nothing }
, Cmd.none
I always get 0, if I do it in the NextSlide case, I can get the total, but not in the first page.
How can I solve this?
It's because you forgot to set total
when you receive your slides. Here a working version of your glitch:
RcvSlides resp ->
case resp of
Ok slides ->
nextSlides = Array.fromList <| String.split "^^^^" slides
nextTotal = Array.length nextSlides
nextModel = { model
| slides = Just <| nextSlides
, total = nextTotal
( nextModel, Cmd.none )
Err _ ->
( { model | slides = Nothing }
, Cmd.none