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Odoo show notification

I'm looking to develop a module for odoo which will add a button to synchronize some data with an external feed. I've managed to get the basic behavior up and running, but ideally, I would like to show a notification when the (long-running) process starts/finishes.

The basic premise is that I have this ListController and from there I'm trying to figure out how to show a notification. Like when you browse to a different view there is this Loading on the top.

Looking at the github respository there seems to be a NotificationManager which is instantiated by AbstractWebClient. And from the odoo javascript presentation they talked about trigger_up to propegate calls upwards. The display_notification was in their presentation as an example- but for some reason it does nothing.

Can anybody give me some pointers in the right direction how can i get the notification to work?

odoo.define('test.sync', function (require) {

"use strict";

var core = require('web.core');
var rpc = require('web.rpc');
var Dialog = require('web.Dialog');

var ListController = require('web.ListController');


        renderButtons: function($node) {

        this._super.apply(this, arguments);

            if (this.$buttons) {

                let filter_button = this.$buttons.find('.sync_button');

                filter_button &&'do_sync')) ;



        do_sync: function () {

            this.trigger_up('display_notification', {        title: 'Move Zig',        message: 'All your bases are belong to us'   });         





  • Inside the controller, or the renderer just write this:

    this.do_notify('title', 'message :)');

    enter image description here

    See the documentation here. Basically the do_notify and do_warn methods are defined in the ServiceMixin class, which is inherited by the abstract controller and renderer by default ::I think::