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How can I manipuate each item in a list when using Ansible?

The special variable ansible_role_names contains a list with roles names in my play. For example

"ansible_role_names": [

However what I want to access is this list with everything before the dot removed.

"roles": [
    "squid"    ]


  • Q: "How to manipulate each item in an array when using Ansible?"

    A: It's possible to map the regex_replace filter. For example the play

    - set_fact:
        my_list: "{{ ansible_role_names|
                     map('regex_replace', regex, replace)|
                     list }}"
        regex: '^(.*)\.(.*)$'
        replace: '\2'
    - debug:
        var: my_list


    "my_list": [

    regex: '^(.*)\.(.*)$'

    • ^ matches the beginning of the string
    • (.*) matches any character in capture group No.1
    • \. matches .
    • (.*) matches any character in capture group No.2
    • $ matches the end of the string

    replace: '\2'

    • \2 matches previously defined capture group No.2