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Apply results on each, keeps overriding

I am using color-thief js to get the color of each image inside a div. I am trying to loop through each and retrieve colors. This works fine. In my console, it shows the colors for each image.

I have some extra code that converts the results, which are in RGB, to HEX. This also works fine in the console. My results are HEX colors for each image.

When I try to apply the HEX to a div, i always get the last color.

I understand what is going in, the loop keeps overriding itself, therefore returning the last color. I just don't know how to prevent this and on each loop apply the color to a div.

$(window).load(function() {
  var color_thief = new ColorThief();

  $('.thumbnail-image-link img').each(function() {
    var dominant_color = color_thief.getPalette(this, 2);

    // Converts RGB to HEX
    function componentToHex(c) {
      var hex = c.toString(16);
      return hex.length == 1 ? "0" + hex : hex;

    function rgbToHex(r, g, b) {
      return "#" + componentToHex(r) + componentToHex(g) + componentToHex(b);

    var colorOne = rgbToHex(dominant_color[0][0], dominant_color[0][1], dominant_color[0][2]);
    console.log("Hex One " + colorOne);

    var colorTwo = rgbToHex(dominant_color[1][0], dominant_color[1][1], dominant_color[1][2]);
    console.log("HEX Two " + colorTwo);

    //This is where my issue is
    $(".section").css('background', colorOne);


Edit: Added HTML Code. Edit 2: Took out extra div to avoid confusion. HTML Code

Basically, I need to add a background color to each .section as it loops.

Loop Start //depending how many images the for.each returns.
 -container -> value from loop 1 results
 -container -> value from loop 2 results
 -container -> value from loop 3 results
 -container -> value from loop 4 results
Loop End

Thanks again!


  • In your $('.thumbnail-image-link img').each loop, save the index of the current element you're iterating over by defining the first argument of the each callback. Then you can use .eq to select the correct .section element, and set its CSS:

    $('.thumbnail-image-link img').each(function(i) {

    and then

    $(".section").eq(i).css('background', colorOne);