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Configure jest timeout once for all tests

According to the docs one can increase the default async timeout from 5000ms using the jest-object

More specifically, by using the jestsettimeouttimeout

The issue I am facing is I am running a series of tests against an API that is very slow, 5-15 second response times, configuring this jest object at the top of each test is painfully annoying.

Is it possible to declare these settings once before all test files are run?


  • OK, putting bits together:

    The Jest search box doesn't actually return anything when you search for: setupFilesAfterEnv

    And docs talk about: setupTestFrameworkScriptFile (which also doesn't return anything on the search:/ )

    Anyway, the docs leave you scratching your head but this works:


    module.exports = {
      setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./setup.js'],


    jest.setTimeout(10000); // in milliseconds

    The jest folks should make it easier to find this information.