I want to be able to open a pdf on VueJS. The pdf file is local and cannot be online.
(I'm using Quasar's button but it functions the same as a HTML button)
I have tried:
<q-btn id="mebtn" href="../assets/resume.pdf">Click Me</q-btn>
<input type="button" value="Open" onClick="window.open('../assets/Resume.pdf');
Error I'm getting:
Cannot GET ../assets/Resume.pdf
I want to be able to click the button and then my pdf pops up on another tab
Other normal html solutions WILL NOT WORK
Assuming your directory is like:
src -> assets --> Resume.pdf
You can access it by:
<input type="button" value="Open" onClick="readFile()");
methods: {
readFile() {
window.open('src/assets/Resume.pdf', '_blank') //to open in new tab