I run the five threads that generate the random string data and then write only one output stream. after the program is finished, a few data was lost.
I simplify my code.
new Thread(() -> {
stream.write(RANDOM_STRING + "\n)
class Stream {
String buffer = "";
Stream() {
new Thread(() -> {
BufferedOutputStream bs
= new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("PATH");
bs.wrtie(buffer.getBytes()); // point 1
buffer = "" // point 2
public void write(String input) {
buffer += input;
I think data loss's cause is between point 1 and 2. I think If I use the indexing data structure for checking what data was consumed, It can be solved. but is there any better way to solve this problem? Please help me. Thanks.
Try to use ConcurrentLinkedQueue<String>
for buffer
, with methods offer
and poll
instead of +=
and = ""
on String reference.