I am not sure calling this parent/child but here you go, I have a similar case like this:
namespace ConsoleApplication1
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using Castle.MicroKernel.Registration;
using Castle.MicroKernel.Resolvers.SpecializedResolvers;
using Castle.Windsor;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var container = new WindsorContainer();
container.Kernel.Resolver.AddSubResolver(new CollectionResolver(container.Kernel));
var p = container.Resolve<Parent>();
// Fails...
Debug.Assert(p.Children.First().Parent == p, "Parent should be resolved");
class Parent
public IChild[] Children { get; set; }
interface IChild
Parent Parent { get; set; }
class Child1 : IChild
public Parent Parent { get; set; }
I have CollectionResolver added to the container. Both Parent and Child1 (with IChild service) are registered as singletons in the container. Whenever I try to resolve the Parent instance, I got my Children array populated but the Child1 instance in that array has a Parent of null. What I am expecting is the Parent property of the Child1 to be set to the Parent instance I am trying to resolve at that moment. I can understand that Parent is not fully activated yet, but since its ctor is run, can't Windsor inject this property yet? Are there any way to make this work or should I manually run some code to set Parents of child objects (which is far from ideal)?
Thanks in advance!
Windsor won't let you create a cyclic dependency chain. If you change your child and parent definitions so that they use constructor injection rather than property injection as follows:
class Parent
public Parent(IChild[] children)
Children = children;
public IChild[] Children { get; private set; }
interface IChild
Parent Parent { get; }
class Child1 : IChild
public Child1(Parent parent)
Parent = parent;
public Parent Parent { get; private set; }
When you run your test now, you'll see that Windsor complains about a dependency cycle:
Test 'M:Mike.DIDemo.WindsorSpike.ParentChild' failed: A cycle was detected when trying to resolve a dependency. The dependency graph that resulted in a cycle is: - Parameter dependency 'children' type 'Mike.DIDemo.IChild[]' for Void .ctor(Mike.DIDemo.IChild[]) in type Mike.DIDemo.Parent - Service dependency 'parent' type 'Mike.DIDemo.Parent' for Void .ctor(Mike.DIDemo.Parent) in type Mike.DIDemo.Child1 + Parameter dependency 'children' type 'Mike.DIDemo.IChild[]' for Void .ctor(Mike.DIDemo.IChild[]) in Mike.DIDemo.Parent
It's always better to use constructor injection when you have a required dependency. Using property injection tells Windsor that the dependency is optional: Supply the component if you can, otherwise just leave the property null. In this case the children were resolved first, so when it came to create the Parent dependency Windsor saw that a cycle would result and left it null.
The solution here is to populate the Parent when the children are resolved, by putting some code in the Parent constructor.
class Parent
public Parent(IChild[] children)
Children = children;
foreach (var child in children)
child.Parent = this;
public IChild[] Children { get; private set; }
interface IChild
Parent Parent { get; set; }
class Child1 : IChild
public Parent Parent { get; set; }