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On Hover : How to show a tool tip with copy option for all url's inside a textarea field in Extjs

I am new to ExtJs ,In this I have a textareafield binding data from API response.

What I want to do is if the response has any url's in it I would like to show a tool tip kind of thing with copy option when user hover on it.Can anyone help me to get this .


xtype: 'textareafield',
fieldLabel: 'Reponse',
name: 'response',
align: 'stretch',
allowBlank: false,
flex: 1




  • I have created simple fiddle where I have shown one textarea and binded mouse events and shown tip accordingly in this fiddle.

      //Show tip if url matches
      //just hide tip

    and matched url in textarea by text.match(/\bhttps?:\/\/\S+/gi)

    In this fiddle I haven't implemented copy thing because I want to confirm if this behavior fits for you. Please check and reply for same, and in case of any edits in code suggest same.