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How can I show a systray tooltip longer than 63 chars?

How can I show a systray tooltip longer than 63 chars? NotifyIcon.Text has a 63 chars limit, but I've seen that VNC Server has a longer tooltip.

How can I do what VNC Server does?


  • Actually, it is a bug in the property setter for the Text property. The P/Invoke declaration for NOTIFYICONDATA inside Windows Forms uses the 128 char limit. You can hack around it with Reflection:

    using System;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Reflection;
        public class Fixes {
          public static void SetNotifyIconText(NotifyIcon ni, string text) {
            if (text.Length >= 128) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Text limited to 127 characters");
            Type t = typeof(NotifyIcon);
            BindingFlags hidden = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;
            t.GetField("text", hidden).SetValue(ni, text);
            if ((bool)t.GetField("added", hidden).GetValue(ni))
              t.GetMethod("UpdateIcon", hidden).Invoke(ni, new object[] { true });