<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<location id="83">
<company_name>company a</company_name>
<machine id="12">A</machine>
<machine id="312">B</machine>
<location id="85">
<company_name>company c</company_name>
<machine id="21">A</machine>
<machine id="45">B</machine>
I'm using XOM and trying to get all location names but I don't know how.
Element root = doc.getRootElement();
int i = 1;
Element child = (Element) root.getChild(i);
while(child != null)
child = (Element) root.getChild(i++);
But this don't work, it shows only the first name, on second loop it shows error.
And secound question: what getChildCount()
getChild(int i)
returns the i-th child node, not necessarily the i-th child element. Use getChildElements("location")
and iterate over the list returned. Another approach is to use an XPath query on the root element.
Also, the javadoc is quite informational: http://www.xom.nu/apidocs/.