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How to set RBAC in this values.yaml?

Inside the file values.yaml of the OPA chart I must activate RBAC using the following section :

# NOTE IF you use these, remember to update the RBAC rules below to allow
#      permissions to get, list, watch, patch and update configmaps
    enabled: false
    namespaces: [opa, kube-federation-scheduling-policy]
    requireLabel: true
# NOTE IF you use these, remember to update the RBAC rules below to allow
#      permissions to replicate these things
    cluster: []
#     - [group/]version/resource
    namespace: []
#     - [group/]version/resource
    path: kubernetes

As stated above I must add the verbs: get, list, watch, patch and update to the kind configmap.

Unfortunatly I've got no idear how to make them fit the yaml...

I don't understand the following syntaxe :

cluster: []
#     - [group/]version/resource
    namespace: []
#     - [group/]version/resource
    path: kubernetes

But I guess that the verbs fit in there somehow...


  • I would add following stanza in the values.yaml file

      # If true, create & use RBAC resources
      create: true
         - apiGroups:
             - ""
             - configmaps
             - get
             - list
             - watch
             - patch
             - update