Search code examples

Hibernate search : How to index B childs of a A parent class ? How to get only B objects that contains one specific object A using lucene?

I have a problem with lucene indexation, I insert one indexed entity in a manyToMany association but lucene doesn't index as I expected.

public class Level {  

     private List<Course> courses = new ArrayList<Course>();  

     @ManyToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch=FetchType.LAZY)  
     @JoinTable(name = "level_course", joinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "level_id", nullable = false, updatable = false) }, inverseJoinColumns = { @JoinColumn(name = "course_id", nullable = false, updatable = false) })  
public List<Course> getCourses() {  
    return courses;  

@FullTextFilterDef(name = "filterLevel", impl = LuceneFilterFactory.class ,cache=FilterCacheModeType.NONE)  
public class Course {  
private List<Level> levels = new ArrayList<Level>();  

    @ManyToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch=FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy="courses")  
public List<Level> getLevels() {  
    return levels;  

When I do : level.getCourses().add(myCourse1);;

myCourse1 (with ID #10 for example) will be well created and attached to level (level is parent class, Course is the child). Then instances of "Course" are well indexed but if I have a look to the indexes generated for Course I expected to find "" with value #10. But I don't find it. I need this kind of indexation because I use LuceneFilterFactory.class on Course to filter course by one level id.

Maybe my use of @ContainedIn and @IndexEmbedded annotations is not good ? Or maybe I'm completely in the wrong way to do what I need.

To simplify :
I have 2 classes A and B, with a manyToMany association between A and B.
A is master on the relation. A and B are indexed. I'd like to use hibernate search for getting B objects that contains one A object in their manyToMany association. I don't want to get all B but only B objects that contains this specific A.

How to do this ?

Thanks for your help


  • Have you tried to place the annotations consistently? Either all on the fields or all on the getters?