I am currently using this formula to list users that have a Birthday this month
=QUERY(Data!$A:$K, "Select C,D,J WHERE Month(J)+1 matches '"& Month(Today()) &"' ", 1 )
I get a list of users that list their First Name, Last Name, and Birthdate for users that have a birthday in the current month.
Is it possible to return the 3rd column (birthdate) in a different format? Such as let's say I want to use Text(J, "mm-dd")?
I tried
=QUERY(Data!$A:$K, "Select C,D,TEXT(J, '"mm-dd"' WHERE Month(J)+1 matches '"& Month(Today()) &"' ", 1 )
But I get a formula parse error. I am guessing I can't do formulas within the query, but just wanted to see if anyone has input.
depends... you can use QUERY
parameter format
so it would be:
"select C,D,J
where month(J)+1 matches '"&MONTH(TODAY())&"'
format J 'mm-dd'", 1)
but this depends on your dataset...