I have a message like this "Something word word 20/07/2018 word word 25/04/2015".How can I use a grok pattern or a customer pattern to take all dates and add them into a new field which is an array?
I tried with a custom regex pattern but when I specify the global flag, ES doesn't recognize "/g" flag.The problem is that I don't know how many dates I will have in a document because are invoices or other type of docuemtns which have a lot of dates/numbers inside.
Since you have stated in the comment section that you are free in your implementation, I would solve this with logstashs ruby filter and with the help of this article:
(Sorry for not formatting the link but I'm on my mobile phone right now.)
The article describes how you match a string against a regex and store all found values in an array.
So the filter would look something like this (untested):
code => '
my_string = event.get("my_field")
my_array = my_string.scan(/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+/)
event.set("my_array_field_name", my_array)
By playing around with this skeleton you should be able to solve the issue. Also take a look at the documentations.