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Cancelling pendingRequests is not working for angularJS 1.7.2 version

I am trying to cancel pending api calls when the same api's are called again. I have dropdown onChange of which I am making my api call, here api call taking a lot of time to return data so i am cancelling all previous calls which are in pendingRequest array and keeping only the latest triggered call. please go through my code below

in my controller

        if (r.contractId && r.contractId !== selectedContract) {

Here I am checking if the pending request is latest or not, by comparing current selected contract with pendingRequest array.

This is how I have written my service

getDashboardData:function(selectedContract) {
    var deferred = $q.defer();
    var cancel  = $q.defer();
    var url = 'my_url_here';
  $http.get(url, {
        ignoreLoadingBar: true,
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Accept': 'application/json'
        cancel:cancel, //this is of type $q.defer();
        contractId:selectedContract // here i assigned contrract id just to delete all pending api's other than current
          return deferred.reject(err);

    return deferred.promise;

I want to cancel or reject pending api calls. Any help will be appreciated thank you. Let me know if any other info required. Please correct me here.


  • I referred $http and doubt if cancel property exist in config object of $http.get function. You can use timeout property and use the value for cancelling the existing request.

    I have replaced cancel property with timeout.

    I hope below code helps.

    // Declare the below objects in service level not inside getDashboardData function 
    var deferredObj = '';
    var existingRequest = '';
    getDashboardData: function(selectedContract) {
    var deferred = $q.defer();
    // Below condition will check to cancel the existing request
    if (existingRequest) {
       existingRequest = '';
       deferredObj = '';
    } else {
        deferredObj = $q.defer();
    var url = 'my_url_here';
    existingRequest = $http.get(url, {
        ignoreLoadingBar: true,
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Accept': 'application/json'
        **timeout : deferredObj.promise**, //this is of type $q.defer();
        contractId:selectedContract // here i assigned contrract id just to delete all pending api's other than current
          return deferred.reject(err);
    return deferred.promise;