Im trying to run some WMI queries using JACOB, and so far i've been successfull in getting the services and processes however i need to query the registry to see if a certain key is there
i've stummbled across this link
but i dont understand how to implement it
in order to query the services i've used the following code
ActiveXComponent wmi = null;
wmi = new ActiveXComponent("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"); <-- side question what is the WbemScripting...
variantParameters[0] = new Variant("localhost");
variantParameters[1] = new Variant("root\\cimv2"); <-- what is this root?
String query = "Select ExitCode,Name,ProcessId,StartMode,State,Status from Win32_Service where State='Running' and Name='MSDTC'";
Variant vCollection = wmiconnect
.invoke("ExecQuery", new Variant(query));
is there a place with decent documentation for this? and how to implement queries on the registry?
Im trying a new implementation where i try to call the StdRegProv
and i have the following code
int HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0x80000002;
String strKeyPath = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services";
String [] sNames = new String [5];
ActiveXComponent wmi = new ActiveXComponent("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator");
// no connection parameters means to connect to the local machine
Variant variantParameters[] = new Variant[4];
variantParameters[0] = new Variant("");
variantParameters[1] = new Variant("root\\default");
variantParameters[2] = new Variant("admin");
variantParameters[3] = new Variant("pass");
Dispatch services = wmi.invoke("ConnectServer", variantParameters).toDispatch();
Dispatch oReg =, "Get", "StdRegProv").toDispatch();
Variant ret =, "EnumKey", HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, sNames);
System.out.println("EnumKey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\"+strKeyPath+"="+ret);
I was hoping to get the sNames array filled with data but its just nulls
I was unable to do it with Jacob but succeeded using j-interop library
here is the code that cost me so much suffering
IJIAuthInfo authInfo = new JIDefaultAuthInfoImpl("remoteComputerIpAddress", "wmiUserName", "wmiUserPassword");
IJIWinReg registry = null;
try {
registry = JIWinRegFactory.getSingleTon().getWinreg(authInfo, "remoteComputerIpAddress", true);
JIPolicyHandle policyHandle = registry.winreg_OpenHKLM();
JIPolicyHandle policyHandle2 = registry.winreg_OpenKey(policyHandle, "SOFTWARE\\wisemon",
// JIPolicyHandle policyHandle3 =
// registry.winreg_OpenKey(policyHandle2,"wisemon",IJIWinReg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS);
System.out.println("Printing first 1000 entries under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\BCD00000000...");
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
// String[] values = registry.winreg_EnumKey(policyHandle3,i);
// Object[] values = registry.winreg_EnumValue(policyHandle3,i);
Object[] values = registry.winreg_QueryValue(policyHandle2, "name", 100);
Object[] values2 = registry.winreg_QueryValue(policyHandle2, "date", 100);
System.out.println(new String((byte[]) values[1]));
System.out.println(new String((byte[]) values2[1]));
} catch (UnknownHostException | JIException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} finally {
System.out.println("Closing registry connection");