I want to remove from the option text the double bracketed items and take the innertext inside the double brackets and create a class in each option with the value. How would you do this in Prototype?
<select id="attribute969">
<option value="">Choose an Option...</option>
<option value="340">White [[white]]</option>
<option value="341">White [[white]]</option>
<option value="342">Blue PMS 801 [[pms801]]</option>
<option value="343">Blue PMS 801 [[pms801]]</option>
Example Below:
<select id="attribute969">
<option value="">Choose an Option...</option>
<option value="340" class="white">White</option>
<option value="341" class="white">White</option>
<option value="342" class="pms801">Blue PMS 801</option>
<option value="343" class="pms801">Blue PMS 801</option>
//Here is my brief and killer trial, the way to do it with Prototype's Power!
$(s).innerHTML = $(s).innerHTML.gsub(/\[{2}.*/,'');
Check this code snippet in action live here...