I am using the following way of querying in dapper on a MySQL
using (var db = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationHandler.GetSection<string>(StringConstants.ConnectionString)))
resultSet = db.Execute(UpdateQuery, new { _val = terminalId }, commandType: CommandType.Text);
db.Close();//should i call this or not
db.Dispose();//should i call this or not
Is it a good way of explicitly calling db.close and db.dispose? My application could be handling 100's of requests per second.
A using block is a convenience arround the IDisposable
interface. It ensures that the dispose method is called at the end of the block.
See: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/using-statement.
In your case you can remove the explicit calls to db.Close() and db.Dispose() because you are not re-using the connection object.
using (var db = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationHandler.GetSection<string>(StringConstants.ConnectionString)))
resultSet = db.Execute(UpdateQuery,
new { _val = terminalId }, commandType: CommandType.Text);
The following link provides further details about .Close vs .Dispose: https://stackoverflow.com/a/61171/1028323