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Best way to do connection management in dapper?

I am using the following way of querying in dapper on a MySQL database.

using (var db = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationHandler.GetSection<string>(StringConstants.ConnectionString)))
    resultSet = db.Execute(UpdateQuery, new { _val = terminalId }, commandType: CommandType.Text);
    db.Close();//should i call this or not
    db.Dispose();//should i call this or not

Is it a good way of explicitly calling db.close and db.dispose? My application could be handling 100's of requests per second.


  • A using block is a convenience arround the IDisposable interface. It ensures that the dispose method is called at the end of the block.


    In your case you can remove the explicit calls to db.Close() and db.Dispose() because you are not re-using the connection object.

    using (var db = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationHandler.GetSection<string>(StringConstants.ConnectionString)))
                        resultSet = db.Execute(UpdateQuery,
                            new { _val = terminalId }, commandType: CommandType.Text);

    The following link provides further details about .Close vs .Dispose: