To keep this simple:
I have classes defined in typescript which have methods and properties (with lots of getter/setter logic). I then retrieve json data matching such classes. I need to be able to project these json objects into my "smart" classes. I know about class transformer but I wonder if this is really go-to approach to do this kind of stuff. Furthermore, I'm planning on using ngrx, so this whole class-transformation just looks wrong (server to json, json to state, state to class? and viceversa? I just dont see a clear pattern.
Any clarity is appreciated. Thanks!
I'm doing almost exactly what you describe in a fairly large app. I'm using class-transformer to transform the JSON from http calls to instances of the appropriate objects, and then using the resulting objects as state in a store (except that I'm using Redux instead of ngrx).
I find that it works very well.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "server to json, json to state, state to class? and viceversa?".
For me (using your terminology), it's server to json, json to class, class to state (but state is just a collection of objects, i.e. class instances. I.E. state is objects).
If I need to send state back to the server, then yes, I typically pull the appropriate objects from the store, serialize them to JSON, and send them to the server. But...the Angular HttpClient does the serialization for you, so you don't typically have to write that part, unless you need some custom serialization.