I'm using Apple Pay integration with Stripe and I need to get the shippingAddress
from Apple Pay before shown the order information because I need to calculate taxes and shipment cost based on the address.
Currently, I can get the shipmentAddress but after show the window with the information.
I'm sending this payload:
var paymentRequest = {
requiredShippingContactFields: ['postalAddress','email', 'phone'],
countryCode: 'US',
currencyCode: 'USD',
lineItems: this.buildLineItems(lineItems),
total: this.buildTotal(lineItems)
There's a way to get the shipment information before show the window or update the window based on the information that I get?
In order to get the shipment information you need to listen for onshippingcontactselected
session.onshippingcontactselected = (event) => {
// You can do work asynchronously here; just call
// session.completeShippingMethodSelection when you're done.