I have a very strange problem where after a day or two, it seems that my app splits the memory in half.
So I have a:
class Persist
@@hash ||= Hash.new
def store(k, v)
@@hash[k] = v
def get(k)
return @@hash[k]
def dumpHash()
@@hash.each do |k, v|
p k, v
Now I have something in the controller calling get and store. At first it works fine, but after a day or two...
Call: store(1, 1), store(2, 2), store(3, 3), store(4, 4), store(5, 5)
Now, when I call dumpHash()
I get: 2, 2 and 4, 4.
I call it again and:
1, 1 and 3, 3 and 5, 5
this is jruby 1.6.0 r3 warbled and put on glassfish.
Is there any way that glassfish redeploys my app without me knowing and it breaks stuff?
any help is appreciated. I am so confused...
Underlying problem: