I'm looking for a service online that would allow me to run a PowerPoint Slideshow (along with slide transitions and animations).
As we know we have Office Online available for this purpose and also this* url can help you achieve slideshow capabilities.
But these options don't give much control to developers to develop some experiences based on slideshow capabilities they provide. So I'm looking for alternatives though it doesn't seems there is anything like thing as per research I did so far.
Any solution or workaround would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
* https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=abc.com
PS. We have different parser/extractor libraries for PPTX but nothing is there that allows view of PPTX/Slideshow over the html web-page.
For future reference
Just dumping my thoughts for future reference. As of now, no solution or workaround is possible other than Office Online itself as mentioned in Question above.
Aspose is planning to provide support to similar subject requirements in future. So hopefully once the new version of the library is out, we will be able to achieve the desired behavior.