I have some knowledge about string pool in Java. All examples in the network conected with creating variables explicitly. But what will happen if I return hardcoded string from method. Is it use string pool or string will be created again and again for each method call. I can't find any information about this case.
I have such example:
public class TestService {
protected Optional<String> getPayTypeCode() {
return Optional.of("LDV");
Example with constant:
public class TestService {
private static final String PAY_CODE = "LDV";
protected Optional<String> getPayTypeCode() {
return Optional.of(PAY_CODE);
And I am wondering, is my first case use string pool? And which case will work faster?
The string pool will be used for all string literals, it doesn't matter if you use it in the method body or to initialize a static final field. Both of those will use the string pool (and return interned string objects).