I'm experimenting XA transactions with Ehcache. Currently I'm using Spring transaction management and Bitronix as transaction manager.
I create, configure and fill up a cache using the method below:
public void createCache() {
this.cacheConfiguration = new CacheConfiguration("MyCache", 5000).diskPersistent(false).eternal(false)
final Configuration config = new Configuration();
final DiskStoreConfiguration diskStoreConfiguration = new DiskStoreConfiguration();
this.cacheManager = new CacheManager(config);
this.cache = new Cache(this.cacheConfiguration);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
final Integer value = Integer.valueOf(i);
this.cache.put(new Element(value, value));
Everything is working fine and Ehcache works as expected by evicted elements over the count of 70.
Now if I change diskPersistent
from false
to true
, it does not work as soon as Ehcache attempt to copy some element to the disk storage with the following exception:
[primaryCache.data] ERROR n.s.e.s.c.f.DiskStorageFactory btm-gtrid=737072696E672D62746D0000012F9296448C00000000 - Disk Write of 0 failed (it will be evicted instead):
java.io.NotSerializableException: net.sf.ehcache.transaction.ReadCommittedSoftLockImpl
This is expected as switching Ehcache to transactional mode makes it replace the original values of Integer
type by a SoftLock
[main] DEBUG n.s.e.t.local.LocalTransactionStore ehcache-txid=0, btm-gtrid=737072696E672D62746D0000012F9296448C00000000 - put: cache [primaryCache] key [0] was not in, soft lock inserted
To be complete, this also happens when using the Atomikos transaction manager and works flawlessly when not using XA mode.
The question is: is there a way to mix XA transactions and disk overflow ?
Everything should work as you expect them to but you've just found a bug which completely prevents the Open Source disk persistent store from working with any transactional mode.
Please report the problem in the Ehcache JIRA (https://jira.terracotta.org/jira/browse/EHC) and we'll fix it as soon as we can.