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How to fetch AccessToken

I am using the following plugin( @axa-fr/react-oidc-context ) in React to enable authentication with AzureAd. Now I need to access the access_token in ApolloClient after the authentication is done. I am not sure how to fetch the access_token in non react component like ApolloClient.

Here is what i am doing.


import React from "react";
import { HashRouter, Route, Switch } from "react-router-dom";
import { AuthenticationProvider, withOidcSecure } from "@axa-fr/react-oidc-context";
import { IDENTITY_CONFIG } from "./utils/configuration";
// components
import Layout from "./Layout";

export default function App() {
  return (
    <AuthenticationProvider configuration={IDENTITY_CONFIG}>
          <Route path="/" component={withOidcSecure(Layout)} />


import React from "react";
import { Route, Switch, withRouter } from "react-router-dom";
import { ApolloProvider } from "@apollo/react-hooks";
import client from "./apollo";

import Dashboard from "./pages/dashboard";

function Layout(props) {
  return (
      <ApolloProvider client={client}>
          <Route exact path="/" component={Dashboard} />

export default withRouter(Layout);


import { InMemoryCache } from "apollo-cache-inmemory";
import { ApolloClient } from "apollo-client";
import { ApolloLink, split } from "apollo-link";
import { setContext } from "apollo-link-context";
import { HttpLink } from "apollo-link-http";
import { WebSocketLink } from "apollo-link-ws";
import { getMainDefinition } from "apollo-utilities";

import { useReactOidc } from "@axa-fr/react-oidc-context";

const { oidcUser } = useReactOidc();


const httpUri = process.env.REACT_APP_SERVER_URL
  ? process.env.REACT_APP_SERVER_URL
  : "";
const wsUri = httpUri.replace(
  process.env.REACT_APP_ENV === "dev" ? "ws" : "wss"

const httpLink = new HttpLink({
  uri: httpUri

const wsLink = new WebSocketLink({
  uri: wsUri,
  options: {
    lazy: true,
    reconnect: true
    // connectionParams: () => {
    //   return { headers: { Authorization: getAuthHeader() } };
    // }

const authLink = setContext((_, { headers }) => {
  //   const auth = getAuthHeader()

  return {
    headers: {
      //   Authorization: auth,

const terminatingLink = split(
  ({ query }) => {
    const { kind, operation } = getMainDefinition(query);
    return kind === "OperationDefinition" && operation === "subscription";

const link = ApolloLink.from([terminatingLink]);
const cache = new InMemoryCache();

const client = new ApolloClient({

export default client;

I am trying to pull the access token in apollo.js file, but it's throwing error where it says I cannot access React Hooks in Non React component.


  • As the token info is getting stored in sessionStorage after authentication, i was able to pull access_token info from session storage and assigned as Authorization Header to my ApolloClient.

    Please let me know if there is a better solution.


    Instead of getting token for session storage, we can use useReactOidc to get the access_token as pass as props to Apollo Client. Please see the updated code.


    import React from "react";
    import { Route, Switch, withRouter } from "react-router-dom";
    import { ApolloProvider } from "@apollo/react-hooks";
    import { useReactOidc } from "@axa-fr/react-oidc-context";
    import client from "./apollo";
    import Dashboard from "./pages/dashboard";
    function Layout(props) {
      const { oidcUser } = useReactOidc();
      return (
          <ApolloProvider client={client(oidcUser.access_token)}>
              <Route exact path="/" component={Dashboard} />
    export default withRouter(Layout);


    import { InMemoryCache } from "apollo-cache-inmemory";
    import { ApolloClient } from "apollo-client";
    import { ApolloLink, split } from "apollo-link";
    import { setContext } from "apollo-link-context";
    import { HttpLink } from "apollo-link-http";
    import { WebSocketLink } from "apollo-link-ws";
    import { getMainDefinition } from "apollo-utilities";
    const httpUri = process.env.REACT_APP_SERVER_URL
      ? process.env.REACT_APP_SERVER_URL
      : "http://localhost:8080/v1/graphql";
    const wsUri = httpUri.replace(
      process.env.REACT_APP_ENV === "dev" ? "ws" : "wss"
    const httpLink = new HttpLink({
      uri: httpUri
    const wsLink = token =>
      new WebSocketLink({
        uri: wsUri,
        options: {
          lazy: true,
          reconnect: true,
          connectionParams: () => {
            return { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` } };
    const authLink = token =>
      setContext((_, { headers }) => {
        return {
          headers: {
            Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`
    const terminatingLink = token =>
        ({ query }) => {
          const { kind, operation } = getMainDefinition(query);
          return kind === "OperationDefinition" && operation === "subscription";
    const link = token => ApolloLink.from([terminatingLink(token)]);
    const cache = new InMemoryCache();
    const client = token =>
      new ApolloClient({
        link: link(token),
        cache: cache
    export default client;