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Is there a stable Programming Language for Web Programming?

A renowned PHP user once said: There will be a relaunch in 2 years, anyway.

Those times are gone. Web applications that are older than 5 years are common. With the original developer(s) gone.

The release cycles of the operation system, programming language, and framework are getting in the way of doing real work, if you don't have a big staff.

Is there any way to develop something that doesn't need constant porting to the next level, without the fear of losing support and backing in a community? For people who want to stay in programming instead of climbing the corporate ladder and leaving the problems to the next "generation"?


  • My company codes almost exclusively in C#, however we have ColdFusion 5 apps still humming along written back in 2001 or so. Theres no need to port them.

    If it ain't broke, dont fix it.

    Other than security flaws (which are usually handled by an OS/Server Patch, so they dont need code changes), theres no need to change an app just because a new version of the language has come out.

    If I'm not mistaken, ColdFusion has had at least 2 new releases since we stopped using it for new code. but that hasn't affected our ColdFusion sites one bit.