Under certain situations, I need to evict the oldest element in a Java Set
. The set is implemented using a LinkedHashSet
, which makes this simple: just get rid of the first element returned by the set's iterator:
Set<Foo> mySet = new LinkedHashSet<Foo>();
// do stuff...
if (mySet.size() >= MAX_SET_SIZE)
Iterator<Foo> iter = mySet.iterator();
This is ugly: 3 lines to do something I could do with 1 line if I was using a SortedSet
(for other reasons, a SortedSet
is not an option here):
if (/*stuff*/)
So is there a cleaner way of doing this, without:
implementation, orAny solutions leveraging Guava are fine.
I am fully aware that sets do not have inherent ordering. I'm asking about removing the first entry as defined by iteration order.
LinkedHashSet is a wrapper for LinkedHashMap which supports a simple "remove oldest" policy. To use it as a Set you can do
Set<String> set = Collections.newSetFromMap(new LinkedHashMap<String, Boolean>(){
protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<String, Boolean> eldest) {
return size() > MAX_ENTRIES;