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How to adjust the dropdown levels in an rhandsontable

I have the simple dataframe below:

DF2 = data.frame(agency_postcode = factor(rep(c(12345,45678,24124,32525,32325),2)),
                 car_group=factor(rep(c("Microcar","City car","Supermini","Compact","SUV"),2)),

and based on this I create an rhandsontable. The issue is that when I subset my dataframe I still get all the levels of the other columns in the dropdown while I would like to see only those related with the value I used to subset. In the example below I should have taken '12345' when displaying the dropdown and not all of the levels.


rhandsontable(DF2[ which(DF2$car_group=='Microcar'), ], rowHeaders = NULL, width = 550, height = 300)

enter image description here


  • I found that dropdown shows all the factors that exist so I re-factored based on my subset like:

    newdata <- DF2[ which(DF2$car_group=='Microcar'), ]
    for(i in 1:ncol(newdata)){
         newdata[,i] <- factor(newdata[,i])