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Razor Pages and DevExpress - Showing multiple images in one cell

I have a cshtml page, a Devextreme Datagrid defined with columns on it, containing data from my Model. My model has some properties, but also a ICollection Attachemnts property which is a List of Atachment Ids in the db.

In the Datagrid i have a CellTemplate where i want to display a button for each Attachment Id from my Model. Therefore i Need to loop over the Ids.

The XXXXXX part in code needs to be replaced by Attachment count.

I tried to access the Model.Attchments.Count but it doesnt work.(foor loop) I can set this value in a textbox but i cant pass it to the dor loop.

    class UFe : U, IUF
        private List<int> _attId;

        internal UFe()
            this._attId = new List<int>();

        public string BookingNr { get; set; }

        public ICollection<int> Attachments
            get => this._attId;
                this._attId = value as List<int>;

        public void AddUAttid(int attId)

Here is a part of my datagrid:

                      .DataSource(d => d.Array().Data(Model.UFeList).Key("BookingNr"))
.Columns(columns =>
                      { columns.AddFor(m => m.BookingNr).Caption("Number").Alignment(HorizontalAlignment.Right);
                                            @Html.DevExtreme().TextBox().Name(<b>"tryingToPassThisValue"</b>).Value(new JS("data.Attachments.length")).Visible(true)</code>
                                            @for (int i = 0; i < XXXXXXXX; i++)

                                                <form method="get" asp-page-handler="file">
                                                        <img src="att.png">

Instead of XXXXX i want to pass the Model.Attchments.Count or data.Attachments length object but cant get it work.


  • I found a solution:

    Add a column to the grid with the current Data and then call a JS on it, like this:

    columns.Add().DataField("Attachments").Caption("YourCaption").CellTemplate(new JS("function(container, options) {cellTemplate(container, options);}"));

    Then write jour JS function

        function cellTemplate(container, options) {
        //Set her your code - in my case thats the form from the previous example.

    Works perfect for me.