I'm using Automapper and I have the following scenario: Class OrderModel has a property called 'ProductName' that isn't in the database. So when I try to do the mapping with:
Mapper.CreateMap<OrderModel, Orders>();
It generates an exception :
"The following 1 properties on Project.ViewModels.OrderModel are not mapped: 'ProductName'
I've read at AutoMapper's Wiki for Projections the opposite case (the extra attribute is on the destination, not in the source which is actually my case )
How can I avoid automapper to make the mapping of this property?
From Jimmy Bogard: CreateMap<Foo, Bar>().ForMember(x => x.Blarg, opt => opt.Ignore());
It's in one of the comments at his blog.
UPDATE(from Jamie's comment Jan 4 '19 at 11:11:)
Ignore has been replaced with DoNotValidate in ForSourceMember: https://github.com/AutoMapper/AutoMapper/blob/master/docs/8.0-Upgrade-Guide.md