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Recyclerview items invisible/ Missing when keyboard is visible

Problem :

My recyclerview item have one edittext.

If user edit the edittext -> Keyboard will appear & some list items missing. (means recyclerview shrink when keyboard open after keyboard close shrinked recyclerview not expanded)

My xml design

  <other views>

Manifest activity windowSoftInputMode


Tried lot of google & SO. But no luck. Anyone give me solution. If anyone need more info let me know. I will give more details.


My xml code -

My issue - Video reference


  • Change this

      <other views>


      <other views>

    NestedScrollView is used when there is a need for a scrolling view inside another scrolling view. Normally this would be difficult to accomplish since the system would be unable to decide which view to scroll , it supports acting as both a nested scrolling parent and child on both new and old versions of Android.